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Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Friend (182/366)

Today is the last day for the June Photo Challenge and the challenge was Friend.  Now, I am sure that does not seem like much of a challenge to most of you, but for me, this time of year brings way to much running around and grabbing a friend for a photo, not an easy task.

This is my friend Maureen and we even sorta planned this photo back on Thursday when we ran into each other at the pool.  Well we both got to running around today with errands and such and when we finally made it to the pool, I was so fried, I forgot to take the picture.  I had to text her so that I could meet her later and finally catch the shot!

I chose Maureen because she was one of the first friends I made when I moved here.  She "gets" me and we share  the same sense of humor and some of the same hobbies, like scrapbooking, shopping and a quiet night at our local Starbucks to just catch up!

Thank you for being a good friend Maureen!

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