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Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School (240/366)

And so begins another school year.  I was successful in getting a 7th grader and 4th grader off on to their 180 days of educational excellence.

Of course, there always has to be some fun in the First Day, so Daniel got to wear this great shirt that I bought for him in Hollywood.  What was even more fun was that his teacher's theme in the classroom is Hollywood.  Well planned Samantha, well planned.

Now what I want to know is why during the first week of school, I have more home work than my kids.  All these damn forms to fill out and send back in.  It hurts my hands and gives me a headache.  Can't we just check a box that says "Same As Last Year".

Shannon and I have managed to have an almost quiet day with no episodes of screaming and crying.  179 days to go!  Keep your fingers crossed folks, because I am sure we will have our ups and downs!

But now, 9:30pm is my favorite time of night.....the sound of sweet silence.

Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead, ought to tell a child to go to bed.
~Robert Gallagher