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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dreams (239/366)

Sometimes I wonder what exactly goes through the batter's mind when they step up to the plate.  I think it varies depending on the situation they are stepping into.

Today, we attended out 15th game of the season (as a family) and it was not one of the best games we have seen.  The city of Pittsburgh and the fan of the Pirates have been dreaming of a winning season since 1992.  We won't even get into the possibility of a Post Season yet, but they did send me a package and I have to make my mind up by September 14th, 2012.  Many more games like today and I won't have to make a decision.

Now, I love baseball and I love being a Pirate fan.  I grew up a Phillies fan and in my heart of hearts, they will always be my #1, but I live here now and I have always loved the underdog.  My biggest issue with the last few games I have been to is that is seems like something is missing.  I don't feel the hunger.  I don't see that extra push to get it done.  I have watched players assume their infield hit will be an out at first and an error is made and what could have been more, sometimes is barely a single.

Now I am not off the Pirate bandwagon.  We still love our Bucco's in this house, but I want to see the life back in the guys.  This town wants them to do well.  We want them to win!

So here stands Andrew McCutchen at home plate.  I would imagine this was a lonely dream.  Bottom of the 9th, two outs, two men on, down to your last strike and you are being shut out.  It's you and only you against it all.  So is it a dream or a nightmare.........

Playing baseball is not real life.
It's a fantasy world....
It's a dream come true!
~Dale Murphy

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