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Saturday, June 9, 2012

My View Today (161/366)

There were more than a few views today that I took a picture of, but this was my by far my favorite.
I started off the day "assisting" my daughter in the cleaning of her bedroom.  I hope at some point in her life that she realizes it's much easier to just tidy it up daily then deal with the mess she had in there.

Then I spent most of my afternoon in the concession stand at the ball field while Daniel had his game.  Not much exciting going on there except too many kids buying to much crap to keep them entertained while an older sibling was playing a game at one of the many fields at the park.

The best view though was after dinner.  Daniel and I were outside watering the flowers in our garden and I let him do most of the work while I supervised.  The flowers looked so beautiful in the evening sun, glistening from the watering that I had to take a few shots.

This is a Blanket Flower and it part of our Butterfly Garden.  It's going to be lovely as it starts to bloom and spread through the garden.

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