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Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Day 4/366

Motivation can hit you when you least expect it and from someone or something that you would have never thought possible,

I pondered another 365 Photo project but it wasn't until a fellow G+ Scavenger challenged us to join her that I made the leap.  On that same day, another fellow G+ friend/photographer was posting about his 2016 walking challenge and I knew it was time to get myself back in gear in that department.

So now my best friends are my trusty walking shoes.  They match NOTHING I own but you cannot miss me coming or going!  7+ miles logged since Sunday and my 2016 goal is 500 miles.  Once this weekend ends then the healthy eating program starts.

Thank you to +Erika Thornes and +Levi Moore for their "challenges" and motivation for 2016!