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Monday, December 24, 2012

Traditions (359/366)

Growing up we had a lot of traditions.  Decorating the tree on Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass and Santa on the Firetruck on Christmas Eve.  Then as we got older, things changed.  We get married and have kids of our own.  Our big tradition was Christmas Eve at my Dad's.....what a blast those times were.  Then things changed again.  Family moves away.  Family moves back.  You move away.  Family leaves us to have Christmas in Heaven.

With all the changes, we have to start new traditions of our own.  We have two.  One I started when my daughter was born and that was special PJ's to wear on Christmas Eve.  When the kids were small I could get them to match or at least coordinate.  Now I am lucky if I get them in the same color family.  The other tradition is Christmas Eve is Appetizer Night!  We always buy more than we could possibly eat but it makes for nice snacks during Christmas break!

It just isn't Christmas unless you push your body to brink of alcoholism and diabetes!

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