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Saturday, July 28, 2012

iPaid (210/366)

Today was the day.  We got our iPads and I have two extremely happy children.  They were not real happy that I made them go to Mass before we did the purchase but everyone survived...LOL

Now this was a deal that benefited EVERYONE!  I went to our church to purchase gift cards for our local grocery store.  Buying the gift cards from the church gives them a credit and then I split the total between two families I know so they get a discount off their tuition bill.  Then I took said gift cards to the local grocery and bought the same dollar amount in gift cards to Best Buy.  This earned me fuel perks which will equate to a free fill up in my car, about $50 savings.  Then we took the cards to Best Buy and purchased our iPads.

The kids are happy, the church is happy, my friends will be happy when they get their tuition bill when the school year starts and I got a free tank of gas (and an iPad too)....It was a win, win, win, win, win, or something along those lines!

But the real thank you is to my Dad.  We miss and love you and the kids will think of you with every message, photo and game they play.  You are the best!!!

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