Art (165/366)
The challenge word of the day today was Art. I had another hellacious day at the office and I just never got around to looking at the art in our building or in our town of Mt.Lebanon. Then it was off to baseball where Blinky's Nobel Grill and Bar lost a heart breaker in the bottom of the 6th.
On our way home I could not help but notice the lovely sunset and sky and I was hoping I would get to photograph it. Well there was dinner to be done, flowers to be watered and before I knew it, it was after 9pm. Luckily though, Mother Nature left this beautiful water color sunset for me to share with you. This is practically straight out of the camera, folks. No need to mess with Mother Nature tonight!
There is a sunrise and sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss too many of them!
~Jo Walton
Just beautiful -- Mother Nature is my most favorite artist!