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Friday, April 27, 2012

Man vs. Food (118/366)

This is Jon.  He is one of my co-workers and he decided last week he was going to take on the food challenge at My Big Fat Greek Gyro ( http://mybigfatgreekgyro.com/ ) which is across the street from our office.  It's called The Big Fatty Challenge and is a 4 1/2 pound gyro and you have an hour to finish it.....ALL OF IT.

Early in the morning Jon was still contemplating, more like his stomach starting to protest at the thought but by 1pm, he was up for the task.  Michelle and I joined him for moral support and because we wanted to see if he could actually do it.  As you can tell by the photo, Jon is not a little man...I believe his line is....240lbs of shit in a red shirt (and he will correct me if I got that wrong...lol).  He also eats more than any person I have ever met.  Every 90 mins or so during the day, he walks by my office to make something in the toaster oven, microwave or to grab something from the fridge.

It was 1:27pm when I took this shot.  Let me tell you, that is a whole lotta gyro.  Even more so for a man, who about 10 bites in admits he doesn't really like gyros.  Yeah, I might have rolled my eyes.  2:27pm came quicker than Jon could consume this massive amount of lamb and shortly there after I told the owner, as I was headed  back to the office, to give him his bill.  Yeah, it's free if you finish it, but if not, it's $30.00.

So here's to Jon for a good effort today.  He didn't get the free gyro and t-shirt, but there is always next week.  I included a short video I took today as the challenge started!  That big mouth running on would be mine!


It's so beautifully arranged on the plate.  You know someone's fingers have been all over it.
~Julia Child on nouvelle cuisine

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