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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In the Pink! (108/366)

My Azaleas are coming to life and I so love their color.  I have found the florals in this area are all blossoming at different times.  My Daffodils took a whole week longer to bloom than my neighbor up the street.  My next door neighbor's Azalea's  were in bloom at least two weeks before mine and tonight when I was picking the kids up from CCD, I noticed the Rhododendrons were in bloom there but mine are not even close to opening.

It's been a very weird Spring.  We experienced near 80F temps yesterday and today, I ran the small heater in my office all day, it was that chilly.  I am leaving for Boston Thursday evening and I have to pack for warm and cold because I honestly have no idea.

So here's to the warmer weather.  Here's to the beauty of Spring and here's to the color PINK!

Pink, it was love at first sight, yeah
Pink, when I turn out the light
Yeah Pink, it's like read, but not quite
And I think everything is going to be alright
No matter what we do tonight

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