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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wheel In The Sky

Day 118/366

After our outstanding performance at Table Rock this morning and logging another 5+ miles around the Niagara area, we ended our evening on Clifton Hill.  Every souvenir shop, junk food place and tourist trap you could imagine and the kids (all of us kids) loved it!

A quick stop for some t-shirts and then I talked two of my chaperon buddies to join me on the Sky Wheel.  One was not sure she was going to be able to do it, but she faced her fear and made it through the whole ride!

The Sky Wheel offered a beautiful view of the area but damn, next time, I bring window cleaner!

Life is like a Ferris wheel.  You have to get past your fears to enjoy the view.
~Linda Poindexter



Due to technical difficulties, yesterday's post is happening this morning.  Apparently my putting off and putting off of the Windows 10 upgrade and reached it's maximum and it started while I was off doing my chaperone duties!

Last night we went down to Tablerock to see where the kids will be playing today and we waited for the coloring of the Falls.  I took many shot but when I turned around to look at Clifton Hill and the way the light was playing on the mist and with the sky, I knew this would be the one for today!

Clifton Hill is like the boardwalk at the Jersey shore, without the shore....

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our Name In Lights


The Courtyard by Marriott had our name in lights tonight.  Thanks for the warm welcome Marriott and Canada.  Despite the slight hiccup at the border, all is good.  Now time for a good night's sleep as we have a very busy day tomorrow!

Now there were many other pictures I could have chosen for today, but how often to you get to see your name in lights!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

You Know What Time It Is???

Day 115/366

It's Band Trip time and Mr. Bacon is ready.  He's all packed and just flipped his phone plan over and now it's time to get a good night's sleep.  4AM comes quick and the three of us have to be at KO by 5AM (ugh).  Keep an eye out on Facebook for pictures of all the fun the kids (and Mr. Bacon) will be having while we visit Niagara Falls in both the US and Canada!

I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list!
~Susan Sontag

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday Night Lights

Day 114/366

Game 2 for the Ugly Dog Saloon under the lights in Bridgeville. Left two men on in the first and the bottom of the first is not pretty but there is still a lot of baseball to play!

The only thing fair in life is a ball hit between first and third.


Monday, April 25, 2016

The First W In The Books!


KO Pony League (Ugly Dog Saloon) kicked off there first game tonight tonight at Wilson Park against Bridgeville.  Took an inning to dust off a little rust but before we knew it, they were making outs, scoring runs and handing out a few K's!

This truly is my favorite season of the year.  Great parents to watch with, great coaches to lead our kids and hopefully Mother Nature keeps us on her good side!  What was even more fun was watching Daniel and his team mates take the field and have a GREAT time.

Some people wait their whole lives to meet their favorite player, I am raising mine!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Who's On First?


Today was picture day with the Keystone Oaks High School baseball team.  30+ teenage boys posing for group and individual photos.  I thought for sure this would be like trying to nail jello to a tree. However, thanks to Coach Crimone and my bestie Maureen Callas, we had all these wonderful athletes grouped, shot and back on the field for practice in just about 90 mins.  This was the first of 200 shots as the Seniors were trying to get everyone in their group ready to go.  I think they were wondering who was going first or who was on first, or something like that!

Next week I am looking forward to some dug out time during a game and their Senior Recognition day.  Action shots are next on the list because there nothing better than a great day and photographing some baseball!

In baseball, as in life, the most important things happen at home.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

In The Pink


These tiny pink buds on my Azalea bush brought a smile to my face.  When this lovely pink blossoms grace my patio garden I know it's almost May and Mother's Day.  Such a tiny, delicate flower and I love to photograph them after a rain shower.

Never yet was a Springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom.
~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Friday, April 22, 2016

I Never Wanted To Be Your Weekend Lover....


Yesterday, with the passing of musical artist Prince, a small part of my teenage years went along with him.  So many memories of that tender time in life.  Purple Rain....the music, the words, the movie, all bring back memories of a simpler time in life.  There are not many albums that I know every word, backwards and forwards but Purple Rain is one.....

God's Super Group just got that much better.

I never meant to cause you any sorrowI never meant to cause you any painI only wanted to one time to see you laughingI only wanted to see youLaughing in the purple rain

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Practice Time......


Putting the finishing touches on their performance next week at Table Rock in Niagara Falls.  I never grow tired of watching these kids do what they do best.

Practice like you've never won.  Perform like you never lost.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Go!  Those starter pistols are loud!  I made the mistake of standing next to one as I was taking this shot of the start of the 1600M race.

Long distance runners always look like they are about to die when I take their photo.  That almost pleading look to "make it stop"...LOL  I give these kids a lot of credit.  Most do multiple events and at least two of the runners also do shot and disc!

When your legs can't run anymore, run with your heart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It's How We Roll


So this is not the best photo ever, but it is the best photo of the best thing from New Jersey.

Pork Roll!  Food of the Gods if you are from New Jersey.  Sliced thick with an egg and cheese on a kaiser roll.  Better yet, a nice thick slice on top of your burger with cheese....we call that a Jersey Burger.

Thanks to a dear friend and his wife, this 6 pounds of total deliciousness is all mine in exchange for some Girl Scout Cookies.  I say all mine, but my kids have learned to love Pork Roll (the bacon of the future as they used to call it) so a 6 pound roll does not last forever, but it gets us through.

I think I feel grilled pork roll and cheese in my future!

New Jersey.....because you cannot get Pork Roll anywhere else!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ah, Might As Well JUMP!

Day 106/366

As the fantastic Spring weather continued, Keystone Oaks Middle School hosted their 2nd home track meet of the season.  So much to photograph at these meets with all the different events but I always seem to be drawn to the jumpers.  Today, Tyler Hrivnak was my choice for High Jumper.  It came down to him and one high jumper from Elizabeth Forward.  I am still not sure what part of Tyler hit the pole but something did.  Great job by all the athletes today and I am looking forward to some hurdle photography on Wednesday.

Know your limitations, and defy them!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

It's KO, I'm With The Band

Day 105/366

Approval was in October 2015.  Confirmation of the date was late November 2015.  T-shirts and flyers were done in January 2016 and by March 15, 2016 we had exceeded our ticket goal and sold out Section 302 of PNC Park.

The only thing truly out of my control was the weather and after a 35F first pitch on Opening Day, just two weeks ago and snow last weekend. I was saying every prayer I could think of for a good weather day.  Just no rain on the new uniforms, that's all I really wanted.

All my prayers were answered.  A beautiful Spring day.  Our kids sparkling in center field and playing amazingly and we beat the Brewers.  As one parent told me in an email, that was the icing on the cake of a fantastic day!


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Those Model Types......


Today was our Women's Civic Club luncheon.  This luncheon is a fundraiser for the yearly scholarships the GTWCC gives away each year.  This event was so successful last year, they were able to help out two students.

It's always a wonderful afternoon with friends and family.  Delicious food, raffle fun and a fashion show.  This is Green Tree local Marija Lydon, escorted by one of Green Tree's volunteer firemen.  I tried to have all the models and their escorts stop as they got on stage and then stop again at the end of the runway.  It didn't always work (Elizabeth Bishop) but they all did a fabulous job.  I just loved Marija and this pose!

I'm a Victoria's Secret model.  It's such a secret that not even Victoria knows! 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Brain Exercise......


One of my favorite brain exercises is Scrabble.  I play multiple games of Word Feud and Word Chums daily.  But the best is when my Mom comes to visit, we go "old school" and play a real game of Scrabble.  Nothing better than quality time with Mom.

Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them to keep them in working order.
~John Adams

Thursday, April 14, 2016

As The Sun Sets.....


Lots to be thankful for today but most of all, great friends who helped all along the way today.  From a major fundraiser bagged and distributed, to getting my son from point A to B, being my chauffeur and for friends who came across the state to exchange pork roll or Girl Scout cookies

Thank you....all of you, for everything you and for making today a great day!

Life is full of give and take.  Give thanks and take nothing for granted.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Stained Glass Sunset


Some days, all it take is the iPhone, a few apps and a little creativity to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.
~Elon Musk

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



Troop 23 had a free night tonight and took to the ice at the Mt. Lebanon Rec Center for a friendly game of broomball.  Scout and adults had blast for what was probably the best 60 minutes of the day.

I am almost positive though, that this kind of net blocking is illegal in any kind of ice sport!

You don't have to be crazy to be a goalie, but it helps.  I think these two are nuts!

Monday, April 11, 2016

When The Going Gets Tough.....


The tough put on their Wonder Woman PJ's and get down to it!  There are times that I need a little inspiration  and today is one of them.  The To Do list is daunting, the calendar is overwhelming and I am sitting here wondering how I am going to get it all done.  I know I will, because it's how I roll, but that doesn't mean I don't stress a little bit over it.

We all have a Wonder Woman inside us.
~Diane Von Furstenburg

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Give Me A Jump Baby?


Says the Pittsburgh police officer in the church parking lot.   It sounds like the beginning of a dirty joke but it's just another Sunday afternoon with my fellow assistant Scout Masters.  Thankfully for this one, Ted and I had not left yet and were able to give his Jeep a much needed jump.

Like a good Scout, we did our good turn for the day.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Scouting For Food.......


Scouting For Food is our largest service project of the year.  Today, Troop 23 and Pack 350 visited about 4000 homes in Dormont, PA to distribute the SFF door hangers.  This alerts the residents that we will be back next Saturday to collect food donations.  The donations we collect are distributed between the Brookline Food Pantry and the food pantry at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church, our charter organization.

Today our scouts braved snow, wind and very cold temps but the job got done.  Dan and Luke were thankful for a warm car and a hot lunch when we were done!  Next week, 70's and sun...go figure!

Well done Troop 23, well done!

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
~M. Gandhi

Friday, April 8, 2016

My Favorite Year


One again, I was blown away by the amazing talent that we are blessed with in the Keystone Oaks School District.  Tonight we enjoyed My Favorite Year, based on the motion picture of the same name and the book written by Joseph Dougherty.  Music by Stephen Flaherty and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens.

This musical takes place in the 1950's with the beginning of live television.  There are great song and dance numbers, lots of laughs and a little romance as well!

A big round of applause to all the students, both on and off the stage, all the faculty and the parents who put in countless hours over the last several months to give us an wonderful evening of music and laughter!

"I'm not an actor, I'm a movie star!"
~Alan Swann

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Parkway.......


Why is it that we drive on a parkway but park in a driveway?

Some of the things you can ponder while stuck in rainy day traffic on the Parkway.

Life is too short for traffic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Working Late.......


So by the time the game was on, work was almost a blur.  A very long day that followed me home. At least I got to enjoy a Bucco win and a SWEEP!!


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Waving Goodbye!


This is me putting Mother Nature and Old Man Winter in my rear view.  It's time for these two and this crappy cold and snow to be done!

If Mother Nature would stop the bullshit, that would be GREAT!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Rainy Day Downtown


It was the perfect weather to reflect a Monday where I needed to report to Jury Duty.  I have served before when I lived in Delaware County but this was my first time in Pittsburgh.  I am extremely thankful that I was not needed as a juror today.  I am pretty sure that homicide and rape cases would have made this day even worse.

Put my name back in the pool and let's hope I don't have to go for another 15 years!

When you go into court, you are putting your fate into the hands of 12 people who were not smart enough to get out of jury duty.
~Norm Crosby

Sunday, April 3, 2016

To Err Is Human, To Arrrr Is Pirate!


Opening Day 2016 and we brought home a WIN!  There is nothing better for my kids and I then a day at the ball park and Opening Day is special.  It's the new beginning.  It's letting go of what didn't work last year and focusing on what did.  It's Spring in the air and Summer right around the corner!

I photograph more than just the game itself.  We have beautiful city skyline that I cannot help but capture every time I am at the game.  There's Perogie races, T-shirt tosses and the fans!  Some of my favorite shots from baseball games are of the fans and today I was not disappointed.

There is always a Pirate, a true Pirate at Opening Day.  This guy was in our section and his daughter was dressed on costume as well.  Once I saw him, I knew he would be my photo of the day!

Now and then we had the hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be Pirates.
~Mark Twain

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Looking Inside.......


The last of the daffodils in my garden we braving the wind and chill today.  In between rain showers and some random snow flurries I grabbed a shot of the inner workings of the daffodil.  Editing the photo it reminded me of being back in Middle School and studying plants and flowers.

If we analyze or dissect a flower, looking for the flower among it's parts, we shall not find it...And yet, we cannot deny the existence of flowers and of their sweet scent.
~Dalai Lama

Friday, April 1, 2016

In Bloom......


Loving all the trees in the neighborhood and local parks that are in bloom.  It's so wonderful to see the rebirth all around us.

If you watch how natures deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you cannot help but learn.
~Bernie Siegal MD